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Margaret X


Free Hugs & Old-Fashioned Kisses


Ever get one of those days when you just fancy snuggling up?

Then this captivating short story is for you.

Meet Livvi, a lonely girl who just needs a hug.

Enter Jakob, a guy who doesn't go about hugging random strangers.

But what if he makes an exception, just this once?


Get wrapped up in a cosy blanket and find out!


Download your copy right now by signing up.


What one reader said about this story:

"I sat down with a cup of coffee excited to read your story. Well, I can tell you, my cup is still full- I just couldn’t stop reading!! 
What a wonderful story- it made me smile, made my heart race with anticipation, and made me feel warm inside. Everyone loves a hug. Your story gave me a hug!! 
The characters came to life on the page. I enjoyed reading it so much I didn’t want it to stop. I simply can’t wait to read what you write next!!!"


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